Owning or Doing Business on H-1B

Question details

Is there any legal issues with starting a LLC for a software product on H1B based on below scenarios.
Scenario 1: Start a LLC in partnership with a US Citizen. For example say I would be 90 % stockholder and the other person would be 10 %. My partner would run the company and do all the work that is needed to sell the software product. I would be a passive owner and not involved in any active duties.

Scenario 2: Start a LLC as 100 percent stockholder and employ a GC holder or US Citizen as a manager to run the company. I would be a passive owner and the manager would do all the active duties. Is there any restrictions around how much salary i should pay the manager of my company? How about if i offer him/her 10 % of the stocks as a compensation instead of salary or offer him/her commission based salary?


Watch the Video on this FAQ: Owning or doing business on H-1B

Video Transcript

1. I do not see any problem with that.

2. I think that's fine, but a little bit more complicated. There is no restriction on the salary to be paid to the manager and you can pay them in stocks FAQ in detail...


Note: This is a verbatim transcript of the referenced audio/video media delivered as oral communication, and, therefore, may not conform to written grammatical or syntactical form.

FAQ Transcript





Note: This is a verbatim transcript of the referenced audio/video media delivered as oral communication, and, therefore, may not conform to written grammatical or syntactical form.

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