I have received a specialty Occupation RFE. As part of the RFE I am asked to provide:<br>
1." Industry letter from other similar companies as yours" - Can you please suggest what is expected here, is a letter required from my manager or a client or some other company.<br>
2. Percentage of time spent on each duty" - I work on multiple projects and also on some internal projects. I work as a full-time employee and work in client locations as required during conducting workshops, training etc. I do not work out of client locations.How do I split the tasks?<br>
3. "level of responsibility" - what is expected here
Watch the Video on this FAQ: H-1B RFE for specialty occupation
Video Transcript
Please get yourself a lawyer. Don't do it yourself. These are relatively complicated issues. More...
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Note: This is a verbatim transcript of the referenced audio/video media delivered as oral communication, and, therefore, may not conform to written grammatical or syntactical form.