Guestbook Entry for Ramesh Doraiswamy , United States

Guestbook Entry for Ramesh Doraiswamy , United States

Ramesh Doraiswamy
United States

My wife and I got our Passports stamped in San Diego, CA with our I-485 approval notice. Let me try to SQUEEZE in an approx. 750-day history (9/01/99 till date) into 4 paragraphs. The whole GC process through your offices was a REAL PLEASANT experience. I am sure that with your guidance, you and your team will scale NEW HEIGHTS with EASE and STRIDE, and HELP a LOT of people. I would like to thank all of your team members. In particular, I would like to mention the DILIGENCE and PREOFESSIONALISM of Diane Lombardo, in praise of which I apologize, as I am unable to get the RIGHT words. I ENVY your and your staff's CARE, PUNCTUALITY, CONCERN and UNDERSTANDING. I was THRILLED when Suman Bhasin returned my voice mail on Saturday. Also, I am really AMAZED at how you can respond to emails in spite of your busy schedule. Also the immigration forum ( is a NOVEL and WONDERFUL idea. You have once again proven your INNOVATIVENESS. Thanks a lot to you Mr. Khanna and your PROFESSIONAL team. Friends, if you need to get the job done right, hire Mr. Khanna. May GOD bless you and your TEAM with the BEST of the WISHES so that a LOT many souls like us, can see their DREAMS come TRUE. I am eagerly looking forward to working with you in the future. Thanks

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