USCIS Reminder: Credit Cards Can be Used to Pay Naturalization Application Fees

As a reminder, if you are applying for U.S. citizenship, you can now use a credit card to pay the Form N-400, Application for Naturalization fee. Most applicants must pay a $680 fee, which includes the $595 naturalization application fee plus a biometrics fee of $85. 

To pay with your credit card, you must file a Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transaction. This enhancement is one of the recommendations made by the White House Task Force on New Americans.

At this time, you can use the Form G-1450 only to pay for the Form N-400 filing fee. 

All USCIS forms are free and can be downloaded at If you need help with applying for U.S. citizenship, use only professionals who are authorized in the United States to provide legal immigration advice. Visit our Finding Legal Services page to find authorized legal services, and visit our Avoid Scams page to learn how to recognize and avoid immigration scams. 

Citizenship and Naturalization

Immigration Law