EB-1A Extraordinary Ability

EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability and EB2 - National Interest Waiver

We won both an EB1 Alien of Extraordinary Ability case and a National Interest Waiver for this applicant.  He was noted as being an exceptionally qualified, brilliant and outstanding researcher amongst an international peer group.  We provided copies of his substantial publication record as well as evidence of his numerous "invited" presentations.  This applicant had patented material which was identified as innovative and pioneering in the field and admired by top researchers.


EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability

We won this case stressing the international scope of the extraordinary work that this applicant had done over the course of many years.  He was identified by experts around the world as belonging to the top 5% of scientists in his field.  His innovative and pioneering work was admired by his research peers around the globe.  Many U.S. educational institutes were seeking his services as a research professor.  This applicant was "invited" to present his research findings on countless occasions to an audience of the top researchers in the world.


EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability

We won this case for the applicant who had over 40 publications at the time of filing.  Referees identified him as an outstanding researcher of international reputation in the field of plant science.  Leading experts stated that his academic record and scientific achievements were remarkable.  We provided evidence to show that his innovative work was highly supported by both government and industry experts.  He truly was improving food production in the world which experts emphasized in their recommendation letters.


EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability

We won an Alien of Extraordinary Ability case for the applicant having advanced degrees from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, one of the most premier institutes in India.  His research work was so highly regarded that he was awarded a two-year post-doctoral fellow at the Institute.  This is a very high honor in that only “a select few” are considered for this position.  The applicant had numerous books on civil engineering published and utilized by prestigious teaching institutes.


EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability

We won this case for an applicant with expertise in computer science utilizing his skills in the development of e-Government.  His work was considered pioneering worldwide.  We provided evidence that he was frequently called upon to present his work. He also served on numerous program committees.


EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability

We won a case for Alien of Extraordinary Ability in environmental sciences with 9 publications, numerous “invited” committee memberships, a judge of the work of many other leading scientists and considered one of the leading experts in his field.  We were able to provide evidence to show that his work was innovative and pioneering.


EB1 - Alien of Extraordinary Ability

We won a case for Alien of Extraordinary Ability a Mathematician holding a Doctorate of Mathematical Science, numerous “invited” publications and presentations as well as several prestigious international awards.  We were able to provide evidence of extraordinary ability through letters of recommendation from leading mathematicians around the world.  This applicant had strong support from the U.S. government and industry.