EB-1B Outstanding Researcher, Professor

EB1 - Outstanding Researcher/Professor

We were able to provide evidence of this individual's membership in a prestigious professional society, international honors and numerous letters of recommendation from industries leading scientists.  This individual acted as a judge of the work of his research peers.  We were able to provide 15 letters of recommendation reflecting the innovative work performed by this applicant.  We also provided evidence to show the extensive citations of his findings.


EB1 - Outstanding Researcher/Professor

We won this case for an applicant with over sixteen years research experience.  She had a substantial publication record.  Her expertise was sought for a collaboration with top researchers from the industry.  Her contributions to research and academics and her significant international recognition were described in detail in the ten exceptional recommendation letters.


EB1 - Outstanding Researcher

We won this case by submitting evidence of this applicant's substantial publication record as well as numerous recommendation letters which outlined the innovative work performed by the applicant.  In addition, referees described the applicant as "one of the best in the field" for his significant discoveries in the biological chemistry industry.  The applicant was employed with a very prestigious research institute which only hires the top scientists in the world.

EB1 - Outstanding Researcher/Professor

We won this case by providing evidence of the impact of the work this applicant was conducting in her field.  Numerous referees provided detailed recommendation letters outlining the necessity for the continued efforts of this applicant.  Her teaching capabilities were noted as being far superior to others in her field. This applicant's unique background was shown to be scarce in the United States.

EB1 - Outstanding Researcher

We won this case for the applicant who is considered a leading expert in international affairs, particularly Indo-Chinese relations.  We utilized eight detailed recommendation letters which highlighted the importance of this applicant's vast knowledge on China and his outstanding expertise on nonproliferation and security affairs.  He had over twenty publications on this critical topic at the time of filing.

EB1 - Outstanding Researcher/Professor

We won this case for a tenured-track professor with ten years research and teaching experience.  The applicant was a critical component to a U.S. Department of Energy funded project.  The applicant was also the key element to securing National Science Foundation funds for his employer.  His vast knowledge of inorganic chemistry and his unique multidisciplinary background was proven throughout his numerous recommendation letters offered by experts around the world.


EB1 - Outstanding Researcher/Professor

We won this case for an applicant with over thirteen years research and teaching experience.  His extraordinary talents and unique background as well as his vast knowledge in econometrics was shown by use of over six detailed recommendation letters.  This applicant had an extensive publication record and was frequently asked to present at international conferences.


EB1 - Outstanding Researcher/Professor

We won this case for the applicant who had eleven years teaching and research experience. Recommendation letters indicated that the applicant had a superb knowledge of not only theory but also economic technique.  The applicant was highly regarded by students, peers and experts in the field.  He was frequently called upon to review for the top, world-renowned journals in economics.


EB1 - Outstanding Researcher

We won this case by providing strong recommendation letters and evidence of U.S. government support of this applicant's innovative research.  His previous scholarly publications and impressive presentations were just a few key elements to his unique background.  The FAA in particular was interested in the creative talents of this applicant.


EB1 - Outstanding Researcher

This applicant had over twelve years of research experience. We noted the applicant's international reputation in the fourteen recommendation letters submitted.  The applicant was a member of a prestigious professional society membership of which requires noted achievements in the field.  We provided evidence of the extensive presentations the applicant made due to his level of expertise in the field.
