Impact of a misdemeanor under Trump EO

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I would like to know is there anything change in recent EO's that prevent one get Green Card or USC when a person issued a SuperSpeeder ticket. Is this considered a misdemeanor?


Watch the Video on this FAQ: Impact of a misdemeanor under Trump EO

Video Transcript

The law is still the same as far as I know. There is no change if you are legally in the United States. If you are illegal things would be different. If you are in the legal status in the United States and you get convicted of one misdemeanor you are still covered and exempted by Petty Offence Exception. More...


Note: This is a verbatim transcript of the referenced audio/video media delivered as oral communication, and, therefore, may not conform to written grammatical or syntactical form.

FAQ Transcript

Note: This is a verbatim transcript of the referenced audio/video media delivered as oral communication, and, therefore, may not conform to written grammatical or syntactical form.

Immigration Law