Australian Musician to perform in US
An Australian Musician that is wanting to come to US for a few weeks to travel and play at approx 15-20 venues across the US. I am willing to sponsor him via my DJ entertainment service, and he will be paid for the shows. He is a professional musician in his country, has been for 15 yrs.
Which visa would be required in this case?
A "B" visa is appropriate if the artist will not be paid in USA, other than for travel and incidental expense.
I was very impressed with Mr. Khanna's consultation with reference to a matter related to a denied entry to the USA. I found him to be very thorough,knowledgeable,precise and a down to earth professional. He understood the problem quickly and advised on the matter in a non-hurried manner-which I believe is very important to any person seeking his advice. I would highly recommend him for his services.