Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card Now Available in the USCIS ELIS

The Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card is now available in the USCIS Electronic Immigration System (USCIS ELIS). USCIS ELIS is an online, account-based system that allows you to submit and view certain immigration benefit requests and receive electronic notification of decisions and real-time case status updates.

USCIS conducted a 72-hour limited introduction of the Form I-90 in USCIS ELIS in November 2014. Improvements to the Form I-90 were made based on user feedback gathered during the limited introduction. USCIS is currently processing the applications filed during this period and will consider them in the order they were received.

If you have any questions about USCIS ELIS, including how to file a Form I-90 application, please visit  Customer Contact Center.


Immigration Law