USCIS Releases U Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide to Better Support Certifying Agencies to Protect Victims of Crimes

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published the U Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide (PDF, 1.58 MB) to provide law enforcement and other certifying agencies with helpful information and best practices for the U visa certification process. This guide will assist law enforcement and other certifying agencies, who play a critical role in the U visa adjudication process, and will ensure they have the resources they need to provide a properly completed certification for immigrant victims of crime.

“This guide will assist law enforcement in submitting the appropriate certification required for U visas and will support efforts to bring criminals to justice and protect victims of crime,” said Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli. “By ensuring that law enforcement submits the appropriate certification, we will reduce fraud and abuse in the U visa program and more effectively adjudicate petitions for victims.”

Law enforcement authorities and other certifying agencies provide certifications for U nonimmigrant status (U visa) petitioners. Individuals seeking a U visa because they have been a victim of a serious crime resulting in substantial mental or physical abuse must establish their eligibility.

USCIS Form I-918, Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certification, is a required certification to establish eligibility for U nonimmigrant status. The Form I-918, Supplement B, must be signed by an authorized official of the certifying agency (PDF, 1.58 MB) and the official must confirm the petitioner was helpful, is currently being helpful, or will likely be helpful in the detection, investigation or prosecution of a case.

The guide includes an overview of:

  • The U visa certification process;
  • Best practices for certifying agencies and officials;
  • Answers to frequently asked questions from judges, prosecutors, law enforcement agencies and other officials;
  • DHS  contact information for certifying agencies on U visa issues; and
  • Training resources and opportunities.

Historically, this guide has addressed certifying procedures for both the T and U visa programs. This publication is focused solely on U visa certification practices. This change was made to assist certifying agencies who work with victims of qualifying crimes requesting certification. When the new T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide is released, it will address information specific to the T visa requirements.

USCIS will be providing training to the law enforcement partners in the future.

Visit Victims of Human Trafficking & Other Crimes to learn more about other protections for victims of crime, human trafficking, and domestic violence.

Nonimmigrant Visas