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Rajiv's News Clips - Go easy on H-1B, STEM pupils to win against China: US think tank

Quotes and Excerpts from Rajiv on the article:

“Technology is our only edge in the commercial world and if we lose that, we fall behind. In order to maintain and enhance this, we need a system to attract and keep STEM graduates,” Rajiv S Khanna, Managing Attorney at law firm, said. 

For more on this news please see the attachment. 

Cuccinelli Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision Allowing Enforcement of the Asylum Rule

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to permit the enforcement of the Trump Administration’s asylum rule requiring asylum seekers to seek protection in at least one third country they traveled through en route to the United States.

USCIS Proposes More Effective and Efficient Processing of Work Authorization Requests for Asylum Applicants

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a proposed regulation to improve the process for granting or denying an initial application for employment authorization documents (EADs) by reforming the current 30-day timeline pertaining to pending asylum applicants.

Rajiv's News Clips - Green card or US citizenship applicants may have to provide social media identity

Quotes and Excerpts from Rajiv on the article: 

"The newly introduced proposal, in the context of applicability to the Indian diaspora in the US, will cover citizenship applications, applications for adjustment of status filed by those in the USA seeking to obtain green cards (such as H-1B workers, or those on intra-company transfers holding an L-1 visa). It will also apply to green card holders seeking re-entry permits (who wish to stay away from the US for two years)," explains Arlington-based Rajiv Khanna, Managing Attorney at